I shall start where I left off from my last post.
The summer picnic at work last Wednesday was interesting to say the least and to the left is photographic proof that I did help a bit! It was prepared over an open fire at the back of the Physiotherapy office - take notes David Flint !
The men and guests were served first as per Indian custom, again eaten off palm leaves on the floor and using hands - I was offered a spoon but galantly refused! The cook and host ate last.
Who still wants an authentic Indian curry when I return??
I think I really have had enough of rice and dahl but the chicken curry and salad was quite good - I saw Madhab throw in loads of chilli but it didn't seem too hot. Maybe I am getting an aquired taste. I just could not eat the rice, dahl and potatoes, just too many carbs. I usually only have fruit at lunch because its so hot so maybe the timing was also off for me.
Cobmitra, the young accounts clerk, is getting married on Tuesday so, as per custom, she brought in special sweet wedding desserts and hand fed 1 to each of us, then put 2 on our plates. It was an interesting mix to say the least - some very sweet syrup around a lump of rubbery tasteless cheese. A delicacy here I am told. Um I think I prefer fruit cake or angel cakes please! Oh and a chocolate fountain!
I spent the rest of the week preparing my presentation to the Rotary Club Puri, as well as a splint:
I was introduced a week ago to a young 29 year old man who had been diagnosed with leprosy. I had never seen anyone with this condition before and on reading the books I thought it was a purely sensory deficit, whereas Polio was motor deficit. This young man threw me a bit because he presented with bilateral ulna nerve palsy and bilateral foot drop. So some self briefing later: yes, you can have motor nerve lesions with leprosy, but not sensory with polio: take note of differential diagnosis! Fortunately by international legislation medication for leprosy is free for as long as it is required, which is a long time. He is a miller by trade so needs to have fine movements of his hands. After a little and repetitive prompting Madhab got me some webbing and elastic cord and I have made 2 ulna nerve palsy splints so he can try to improve his intrinsic hand function. Now we have to sort out the dropped feet !!! (I spied an inner tube in the store room at the office so watch this space ... lol).
I was introduced a week ago to a young 29 year old man who had been diagnosed with leprosy. I had never seen anyone with this condition before and on reading the books I thought it was a purely sensory deficit, whereas Polio was motor deficit. This young man threw me a bit because he presented with bilateral ulna nerve palsy and bilateral foot drop. So some self briefing later: yes, you can have motor nerve lesions with leprosy, but not sensory with polio: take note of differential diagnosis! Fortunately by international legislation medication for leprosy is free for as long as it is required, which is a long time. He is a miller by trade so needs to have fine movements of his hands. After a little and repetitive prompting Madhab got me some webbing and elastic cord and I have made 2 ulna nerve palsy splints so he can try to improve his intrinsic hand function. Now we have to sort out the dropped feet !!! (I spied an inner tube in the store room at the office so watch this space ... lol).
I thought I was here as a CBRW trainer but this variety of work suits me just fine!
We went into the field Saturday morning to visit the room that had been suggested as our Service Support Centre. Unfortunately there was no water or toilet facilities. Otherwise perfect! Even had access to a garden area for a playground. The owner is away so again we have to wait......In the immediate area are 2 very handicapped cp children and the parents are keen to do as much as they can. One little girl is 4 and when I first saw her she had no response to stimulus at all. Now the family have taken onboard our advice about exercises, stretches and positioning. She now has some head control and is smiling and following objects with her eyes and head.
Saturday evening I presented my introductory proposal for a Service Support Centre to the Rotary Club of Puri, Orissa.There were about 20 people present, only 1 other lady, and we were provided with snacks and coffee in a lovely air-conditioned hotel conference room. It was fortunate I took my own lap top because theirs did not recognise the software I had used for the presentation. After the presentation they asked Madhab 'what do you need?' so it looks promising. Now we have to await their deliberation and wait and see.
It's now Tuesday evening and I will shortly be getting ready to attend an Indian wedding, a first for me. My camera is charged, outfit ready, lift organised. My next blog will hopefully contain some lovely wedding photos. Bye for now.
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